This Minimal invasive technique is specifically used to treat knee swelling in Rhumatiod, Tubercular affected Knee and other affected swollen joints. At Sports Med we use tissue ablation Radio Frequency system which is a Cost effective alternative to Laser tissue ablation.
Synovectomy refers to the destruction or surgical removal of the membrane (synovium) that lines a joint. As the largest articulation and the one most frequently affected by chronic inflammation, the knee is the joint most often selected for synovectomy. Open surgical, chemical, radiation, and arthroscopic synovectomies are all options for removing potentially damaging synovium from the knee.
There are various disorders that are indications for synovectomy. Among them are chronic inflammatory arthritides (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, Lyme arthritis), benign neoplastic disorders (eg, osteochondromatosis, tenosynovial giant cell tumor [formerly pigmented villonodular synovitis]), and recurrent hemarthrosis (eg, hemophilia).
Surgical debridement of synovial tissue, either open or arthroscopic, is also indicated for the treatment of some joint infections.
The role of synovectomy in the diagnosis and management of inflammatory arthritis of the knee is reviewed here. Synovectomy has a limited role in treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, and the use of arthroscopy in that setting is discussed separately.